Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DAY 8 - Niseko - Tagging and Bagging

We tagged peaks and bagged bowls all week, but today we tagged and bagged under lights!...but I will get to that later...

Brick was feeling a bit sore, so sWoop Dog and Chopper headed up about 0900hrs leaving Brick to watch Oprah.

sWoop Dog had Chopper working on using his ankles and knees to instigate a turn, trying not to lift his inside ski (which was the way Chopper was taught originally) with the result being a turn using less energy and the ski not turning back up the slope and a cleaner track.

We then headed up the hill and hit a shute into a black run.  I still haven't got the feel for the powder slopes and just sit back and watch sWoop and Brick do their magic.

I headed back down at 1130hrs.  Brick and I had lunch - couple of Vale Burgers - then headed back onto the slopes for 1300hrs.

We skied a couple of runs, then met up with sWoop at 1400hrs for a hot chocolate.

We started back on the slopes for 1500hrs and skied through to 1800hrs.

We found a nice run off piste and Brick managed to hurt his knee, and sWoop found another tree branch and face planted; again...

Skiing under lights was magnificient, hopefully the video footage does it justice.

Now for the photos.

The 3 boys with Yotei in the background:

Brick just loves trees:

Brick and sWoop Dog under lights:

Chopper and sWoop with a preamble for the day:

Chopper and Brick on the chair lift up from the resort:

Brick - quit complaining:

A very laconic Chopper enjoying a quiet one:


Brick stepping up the pace:

Brick getting a wee bit close:

sWoop tracking Brick and Chopper for a fair distance - notice how he manages to get a shot in of his skis:

Brick tracking sWoop Dog, who manages to give Chopper a good dusting:

sWoop Dog tracking Brick and Chopper under lights:

Well, that is the end of the Niseko blog.  What a holiday and how good was the skiing!

Thanks to Steve and Mark in making it a very enjoyable experence for me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

DAY 7 - Niseko - Beugen und Strecken

For the illiterate, this was the bend and stretch day.  Mark decided that Steve and I had to improve our turning technique for powder skiing, and he would employ the Austrian bend and stretch method in order to achieve this.

What a task definitely worked, with the ski lines less scraped and the turns cleaner.

We spent most of the day in An'nupuri, which is the ski field on the left side of the mountain.  The peak was shrouded, but the lower slopes had a nice coating of fresh snow.

We had lunch at the Niseko Hilton, consisting of a buffet with soft drinks at a very reasonable price.

The rest of the day was spent Beugen und Strecken. Steve and I seem to be less tired as the week progresses and our aches and pains are reducing.

Photos in the An'nupuri gondola:

Now the videos.

Lots of time spent on technique.

Steve (The Brick) and Mark (sWoop) bending and stretching.  Notice how the torso is facing down the slope with the legs pushing out in the turn:

sWoop and The Brick bend and stretch at speed:

Chopper (Den) doing an easy Red groomed at speed:

The Brick and sWoop - was meant to be at speed but they wimped it:


Brick and sWoop doing something flash:

Brick on the way off the mountain.  The weather had closed in and it was pretty damn cold:

Chopper coming off the mountain:

Monday, January 24, 2011

DAY 6 - Niseko - La Trek

Had breakfast at Mark's joint - good value and nice food.

We hit the slopes for 0830hrs and went straight to the peak to ski powder.  I was trying to remember everything Mark and Steve had taught me, but when you are flying down black run, can't see your skis, lumps of powder everywhere, the first thing you want to do when you miss the turn is to sit back in the skis, which in turn makes you go faster! you calm down, lean into the ski and push the ski up to reduce speed, then plant the pole,. push down on the ski and make the turn - easy...not...

We skied the powder until 1130hrs and had an early lunch.  We then made a group decision to go over the peak to ski the back bowls, which are outside of the ski area, and are not patrolled or sweeped.

The trek to the back bowls was exhausting. We took the top lift, then trekked up an incline approximately 100metres, in ski boots, carrying skis and poles.  I can't describe the sensation of sweating when it's -20C...maybe try it yourselves by sitting in your freezer drawer with a hot water bottle in your lap...maybe.

The panorama was amazing.  We could see Mt Yotei and The Sea of Japan. Then I saw the area we were skiing.  I know the kids are going to read this so I won't use the words I would like to...superlative would be an understatement.  I was pleased that I was wearing 3 layers...the drop offs were amazing. Skiing off piste is hard and harsh.  Mark has some video footage, so we will have to wait.

It took 2 hours to ski the bowls and to ski out.  Again, we were exhausted.

We traversed back to the groomed runs, with Steve and I leaving the mountain for 1530hrs.  It's amazing how easy a groomed run is after skiing through knee deep powder. The turns are nice and clean, with a sweeping arc, nice pole plants and taken at speed.

The only issue I have now is that Niseko is ruining my skiing anywhere else.   I now find a groomed red run with a 10cm snow cover boring...

Lots of photos and movies for today.  Persevere through them as they tell a great story.

Steve posing with Mt Yotei in the background:

Den posing with Mt Yotei in the background:

Mark and Steve before the hike up to the top:

Den after the hike to the peak:

Den and Steve at the Peak after the hike to the summit:

Now the videos! I know you have all been waiting for this...

Den doing powder - need more speed!!!:

Ok - the guy is one of the best skiers on the mountain, but he has some of the best timed wipe outs, which seem to only occur when the video is filming him.  Steve and I couldn't stop laughing when we watched this one over a hot chocolate.   MP was not amused....So here we go; Mark skiing powder:

And then the excuse...maybe I should give Mark some pointers...

Mark after the wipe out:

Mark skiing powder:

Den "skiing" powder:

Powder Mark:

Powder Den:

Powder Steve:

Chopper Den:

Panorama - wind is blowing a bit:

This is taken at the Peak after the hike.  Be understanding of the photographer who was tired after the climb:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

DAY 5 - Niseko - The Power Full Day

What a all started so well...we met at the lifts for 0830hrs - Mark was a bit late.

I was extremely nervous; about to ski with 2 guns and worried that I would find it hard to keep up ~ which I did, but the boys didn't seem to care to much.

We had a couple of warm up runs, then headed for the Peak.  It was a bit cut up and pretty hard to ski unless you hit it at speed; which isn't easy on a cut up black run with ruts...for me anyway.

Mark had Steve and I skiing through some shallow powder in order to get the feel.  It's quite interesting, with the weight distribution really important in that the weight must be maintained on both skis - no lifting of the ski for the turn and keeping the distribution as even as possible.  Mark had me pumping the skis in order to maintain this distribution.

It started snowing pretty heavily in the afternoon. Steve and I came down off the mountain for 1530hrs and hit the Onsen.   Mark stayed up for a few more runs.

Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting the outside seat on a chair lift - no matter what Steve and Mark say...

The shins are sore, and body is tired; but the mind is ready for tomorrow!

Now to the videos...

The first shows Mark and Steve coming down a red run with Mark skiing Steve's channel.  Shame the footage isn't in complete focus:

Now this was funny.  Mark had just run through the powder technique, with this powder patch about calf deep.  Mark skipped through and his ski went under a branch and pulled him face into the snow.  Steve then skied over to help Mark out and went over as well.  It should be noted that I did not fall over on this run:

Now this is Mark coming down a very cut up black run.  Look at the way he manages to keep his skis out from under him and his knee movement; and the speed:

I must admit I am getting a little bit miffed with the video footage of me.  I am skiing better when not being recorded. What's happening in the footage, which I try not to do normally, is I am too high and too far back, and way too slow.  This is me on the same black run:

The obligatory food shot for Damian:

Mark in one of the mountain restaurants:

Steve in one of the mountain restaurants:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

DAY 4 - Niseko - Powder at the Peak

The lifts were open to the peak today, so Steve and I went straight to the peak, via one warm up run.

It was powder city - knee deep and light as tissue paper.  We are obviously not in peak condition for skiing, with aches and pains setting in after the first hour.

We managed 6 1/2 hours on the slopes today, with much anticipation for the impending arrival of The Big MP.

Steve in one of the restaurants:

Den powder run - As you can see I don't have enough speed, turns are too acute and I am not bending into the turn. Skiing deep powder is different - you don't see your skis or the terrain and must concentrate on keeping your head up.  Worked on that during the day so hopefully tomorrow...

Den groomed run - speed ok, hands too low and not crouched enough:

Steve powder run - looked fine to me.  I did suggest he put in bigger turns but the slope wasn't steep enough to have the momentum to come out of the turn  Skier quote on his run "that was sh*t":

Den red groomed - off the pace again and too upright.  Uphill hand too low which means I am square to the ski instead of facing downhill:

Steve red groomed - this was good.  Nice balance and great technique:

Friday, January 21, 2011

DAY 3 - Niseko - The Big Stack Day

We didn't manage to hit the slopes until 1030.  Decided to go the black...First stack was a backwards somersault.  Second stack was even more impressive.  Managed to get airborne and somehow land on my face and slid for what felt like an eternity.  Snow got everywhere. I felt better when I saw Steve stack.  He tried the "my foot came out of the binding" excuse...

It has snowed most of the day and has been pretty cold.  Steve has me concentrating on bending my knees and bending into the turn, standing up coming out; torso facing down the slope; hands in front of me.  My confidence is comimg back, but I need to improve rapidly before Mark "Super Double Diamond" Power gets here...

Bodies are extremely sore, especially the shins and thighs.  Food is extremely good and well priced.

Shot of me in the restaurant - no, I am not tzar, that's my gaiter:

Den comimng down the black - this was taken early in the day and I wasn't really bending into the turns enough, hence the lack of control:

Little bit better in this one:

Steve showing how it should be done - bloody show off...:

 Apartment photographs:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

DAY 2 - Niseko

What a day.

We managed to get to breakfast for 0730hrs.  Kitted up and hit the lift for 0830.  I was extemely nervous; Steve was Mr "She'll be right"

7 hours and 30 minutes later I can report that skiing is not like riding a bike, but haveing not skied for 15 years i was very suprised at how easy it came back to me.

We had a great day - extremely cold in the morning with heavy snow, and sunny in the afternoon.

*Very* tired now.  Hit the Onsen after a couple of beers and now waiting to go for dinner.

Den skiing:

Steve skiing the way Den wants to ski:

Den getting prepared:

Steve near the summit:

Youtei Mountain shot from the peak:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DAY 1 - Perth --> Niseko

The day started yesterday...Steve picked me up at 2100hrs in the cab and we headed for the airport ~ you could taste the anticipation; which oddly tasted like Stella...

The flight from Perth to Hong Kong was gruesome.  We left Perth @ 0005hrs and arrived at Hong Kong @ 0740hrs.

Hong Kong airport was a disappointment - I suppose I expect all the airports through Asia to be like Singapore.

We wandered around for an hour then boarded the flight to Sapporo.  The flight was quite pleasant.  Food was good.  Leg room was taxing.

Arrived Sapporo @ 1420hrs, and then proceeded to perform the longest taxi run to the terminal in history.  We were cruising at about 10km for at least 10 minutes...

We then boarded the coach @ 1620hrs and eventually arrived in Niseko @ 1930hrs...with the snow puking!
(snow term meaning the equivalent of torrential rain).  Steve and I rugged up in the coach and ventured outside to the winter wonderland ~ wow.

I won't say too much - hopefully the photos will tell the story; but Steve and I had a walk around town to get our bearings for tomorrow and to work out the ski masters hotel location (Mark Power of course, who arrives on Saturday).

I have included the obligatory food photo for Damian ~ and yes, the Cumin coated Pork chop was a delight.

Steve and Den at the Perth airport:

Steve in front of our hotel:
Den in front of the base lift:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Have I packed enough clothes...


19 Jan 11              Wed        Check in at Perth Terminal 1                                      
19 Jan 11              Wed        Depart        Perth                                        00:05          
19 Jan 11              Wed        Arrive         Hong Kong                             07:45

Total Journey Time                  7hrs 40mins
19 Jan 11              Wed        Check in at Hong Kong Terminal 1                          
19 Jan 11              Wed        Depart        Hong Kong                             09:20          
19 Jan 11              Wed        Arrive         Chitose                                   14:50           

Total Journey Time                  4hrs 30mins

19 Jan 11              Wed        Check in    Sapporo                                                      
27 Jan 11              Thu         Check Out                                                                       

193 Aza-Yamada

27 Jan 11              Thu         Check in at Chitose                                                         
27 Jan 11              Thu         Depart        Chitose                                   16:00          
27 Jan 11              Thu         Arrive         Hong Kong                             20:40         
Total Journey Time                  5hrs 40mins 

31 Jan 11              Mon        Check in at Hong Kong Terminal 1                          
31 Jan 11              Mon        Depart        Hong Kong                             15:05          
31 Jan 11              Mon        Arrive         Perth                                        22:45        

Total Journey Time                  7hrs 40mins

Friday, January 14, 2011

Bought 'The Socks' today...took 3 months decision making but eventually went for the Mountain Design Thaw: