Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DAY 8 - Niseko - Tagging and Bagging

We tagged peaks and bagged bowls all week, but today we tagged and bagged under lights!...but I will get to that later...

Brick was feeling a bit sore, so sWoop Dog and Chopper headed up about 0900hrs leaving Brick to watch Oprah.

sWoop Dog had Chopper working on using his ankles and knees to instigate a turn, trying not to lift his inside ski (which was the way Chopper was taught originally) with the result being a turn using less energy and the ski not turning back up the slope and a cleaner track.

We then headed up the hill and hit a shute into a black run.  I still haven't got the feel for the powder slopes and just sit back and watch sWoop and Brick do their magic.

I headed back down at 1130hrs.  Brick and I had lunch - couple of Vale Burgers - then headed back onto the slopes for 1300hrs.

We skied a couple of runs, then met up with sWoop at 1400hrs for a hot chocolate.

We started back on the slopes for 1500hrs and skied through to 1800hrs.

We found a nice run off piste and Brick managed to hurt his knee, and sWoop found another tree branch and face planted; again...

Skiing under lights was magnificient, hopefully the video footage does it justice.

Now for the photos.

The 3 boys with Yotei in the background:

Brick just loves trees:

Brick and sWoop Dog under lights:

Chopper and sWoop with a preamble for the day:

Chopper and Brick on the chair lift up from the resort:

Brick - quit complaining:

A very laconic Chopper enjoying a quiet one:


Brick stepping up the pace:

Brick getting a wee bit close:

sWoop tracking Brick and Chopper for a fair distance - notice how he manages to get a shot in of his skis:

Brick tracking sWoop Dog, who manages to give Chopper a good dusting:

sWoop Dog tracking Brick and Chopper under lights:

Well, that is the end of the Niseko blog.  What a holiday and how good was the skiing!

Thanks to Steve and Mark in making it a very enjoyable experence for me.


  1. I try to do a bit of tagging and bagging on my trips too. Good work! :-)

  2. Hot! It's 38 degrees here at the mo so you'll be in for quite a shock when you return :)

    Don't forget to send me a postcard!
