Friday, January 21, 2011

DAY 3 - Niseko - The Big Stack Day

We didn't manage to hit the slopes until 1030.  Decided to go the black...First stack was a backwards somersault.  Second stack was even more impressive.  Managed to get airborne and somehow land on my face and slid for what felt like an eternity.  Snow got everywhere. I felt better when I saw Steve stack.  He tried the "my foot came out of the binding" excuse...

It has snowed most of the day and has been pretty cold.  Steve has me concentrating on bending my knees and bending into the turn, standing up coming out; torso facing down the slope; hands in front of me.  My confidence is comimg back, but I need to improve rapidly before Mark "Super Double Diamond" Power gets here...

Bodies are extremely sore, especially the shins and thighs.  Food is extremely good and well priced.

Shot of me in the restaurant - no, I am not tzar, that's my gaiter:

Den comimng down the black - this was taken early in the day and I wasn't really bending into the turns enough, hence the lack of control:

Little bit better in this one:

Steve showing how it should be done - bloody show off...:

 Apartment photographs:

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