Sunday, January 23, 2011

DAY 5 - Niseko - The Power Full Day

What a all started so well...we met at the lifts for 0830hrs - Mark was a bit late.

I was extremely nervous; about to ski with 2 guns and worried that I would find it hard to keep up ~ which I did, but the boys didn't seem to care to much.

We had a couple of warm up runs, then headed for the Peak.  It was a bit cut up and pretty hard to ski unless you hit it at speed; which isn't easy on a cut up black run with ruts...for me anyway.

Mark had Steve and I skiing through some shallow powder in order to get the feel.  It's quite interesting, with the weight distribution really important in that the weight must be maintained on both skis - no lifting of the ski for the turn and keeping the distribution as even as possible.  Mark had me pumping the skis in order to maintain this distribution.

It started snowing pretty heavily in the afternoon. Steve and I came down off the mountain for 1530hrs and hit the Onsen.   Mark stayed up for a few more runs.

Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting the outside seat on a chair lift - no matter what Steve and Mark say...

The shins are sore, and body is tired; but the mind is ready for tomorrow!

Now to the videos...

The first shows Mark and Steve coming down a red run with Mark skiing Steve's channel.  Shame the footage isn't in complete focus:

Now this was funny.  Mark had just run through the powder technique, with this powder patch about calf deep.  Mark skipped through and his ski went under a branch and pulled him face into the snow.  Steve then skied over to help Mark out and went over as well.  It should be noted that I did not fall over on this run:

Now this is Mark coming down a very cut up black run.  Look at the way he manages to keep his skis out from under him and his knee movement; and the speed:

I must admit I am getting a little bit miffed with the video footage of me.  I am skiing better when not being recorded. What's happening in the footage, which I try not to do normally, is I am too high and too far back, and way too slow.  This is me on the same black run:

The obligatory food shot for Damian:

Mark in one of the mountain restaurants:

Steve in one of the mountain restaurants:

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